The 5 Step Plan for Getting to Volleyball
1. Cancel or send an "declined" message any meetings that involve your participation past 11am tomorrow. Even if they promise a 30 minute meeting, you know they lie.
2. Pack your shorts and sneakers (the two essentials) tonight and get them in your car. Just to be safe take those old sneakers and shorts and pack an extra bag that you leave in the car at all times. There is nothing worse than clearing the decks only to find you left an essential element of your gear home.
3. Make sure you tell your spouse/significant other how lately you have been feeling cranky if you don't get exercise every other day. Sit on the couch tonight and watch Syracuse play their NIT game while drinking beer and eating the house clean of snacks.
4. Quietly leave your work place at 11:40am. Do not engage in any conversations on the way the
door. Do not make eye contact with anyone on the way out. If someone tries to talk to you tell them you have a meeting with Brent and you don't want to be late.
5. Drive directly to the Rome Y. Do not try to be efficient by running errands on the way. They can be done afterwards when you have wet hair from the shower and all your capillaries are flushed. It makes a better impression.
2. Pack your shorts and sneakers (the two essentials) tonight and get them in your car. Just to be safe take those old sneakers and shorts and pack an extra bag that you leave in the car at all times. There is nothing worse than clearing the decks only to find you left an essential element of your gear home.
3. Make sure you tell your spouse/significant other how lately you have been feeling cranky if you don't get exercise every other day. Sit on the couch tonight and watch Syracuse play their NIT game while drinking beer and eating the house clean of snacks.
4. Quietly leave your work place at 11:40am. Do not engage in any conversations on the way the

5. Drive directly to the Rome Y. Do not try to be efficient by running errands on the way. They can be done afterwards when you have wet hair from the shower and all your capillaries are flushed. It makes a better impression.
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